A Letter From The Editor

Flights of Fancy

This publication is always greatly influenced by the last book I read, or one of my contributors read. However, there are so many wonderful books coming out these days, both fiction and non-fiction, that love affairs, no matter how passionate, can be brief.

One day I might be totally enthralled by Robert J. Norrell’s outstanding account of the life of Booker T. Washington, Up From History, and decide that the next book I will write will be the definitive history of rascism in America..

Then my friends at Henry Holt sent me David Fromkin’s excellent book, A Peace to End All Peace, which vigorously details the fall of the once mighty Ottoman Empire. Because Fromkin had both the eye of the historian, and that of the creative writer, I suddenly I wanted my next book to make a grand, sweeping statement on the Middle East, monotheism, and whether there such a thing as a “religious gene.”

These are extreme flights of intellectual fantasy, to be sure.

These fights of fancy, however, have produced another issue of the Neworld Review, and there is much of note here. Managing editor Jan Alexander gives us a thoughtful look at novelist Richard Powers’s latest novel. Generosity: An Enhancement. Her review is filled with provocative ideas.

Anyone who ;lives in New York have seen the proliferation of so-called Ghetto Lit. It seems to be one of the fastest growing new growth areas in publishing. Senior editor Herb Boyd looked into it and gives us his report on the phenomenon.

As a memoirist, I was immediately drawn into Brenda Greene’s well-done review of poets E.Ethelbert Miller and asha bandele (spelled with lower case letters) memoirs. So much of the often terrifying issues that I am dealing with on a daily basis, with my own work, came out in her essay.

I am also not noted for being a modest man. But even I was deeply humbled when someone recently suggested that the Neworld Review had the best writers in town. I agree. There are no important, dominating “schools of thought” big-footing around. Even racial, religious and ethnic blackmail, and mainstream ostracism, no longer hold any importance for a literary publication.

But so what! Who needed all of that anyway? Let the inmates run the place, without undue influence’ and let them have fun doing it. At least they know how to write well, and are becoming better with each issue.

Thanks for picking us up. And don't forget, write me a letter. I would love to know what you are thinking.


Fred Beauford


Credits and Acknowledgements

Cover Photo: Richard Powers by Jane Kuntz

Neworld Review
Vol. 2 No 7


Fred Beauford

Art Director

Bernie Rollins

Managing Editor

Jan Alexander


Margaret Johnstone

Senior Editor

Herb Boyd

Online Managing Editor

Richard D. O'Brien

Contributing Editors

Jane M McCabe: books
James Petcoff: theater
Rona Edwards:film
Russell Burge: visual arts
Loretta Campbell
Brenda M. Greene
Madeleine Mysko

The Neworld Review is a publication of Morton Books, Inc. Rob Morton, President/CEO, in cooperation with Baby Mogul Productions, 78 Randolph Avenue, Jersey City, N.J. 07305, 201-761-9084. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission. Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers. Manuscripts should be accompanied by a self-stamped envelope. Online submissions ar3e accepted at [email protected]. Neworld Review cannot be held responsible for unsolicited photographs or manuscripts.

All correspondence to:

Fred Beauford

Editor-in Chief/Publisher

78 Randolph Avenue

Jersey City, N.J. 07305

Telephone 201-761-9084



VOL. 1 NO. 1 2007

VOL. 1 NO. 2 2007

VOL. 1 NO. 3 2008

VOL. 1 NO. 4 2008

VOL. 2 NO. 5 2009

VOL. 2 NO. 6 2009

This Month's Articles


An Excerpt from a Memoir

By Fred Beauford

The Day I Saved Michael Jackson’s Career

I have always been a glutton for work. As I have described in an earlier chapter, my first job was delivering newspapers as a ten-year-old, in cold, snowy Buffalo. I have been working ever since, and.....Read More

Distant Voices

Write Me A Letter...

Dear Fred

Having been simultaneously inspired by your editorial encouraging letter-writing and Brenda M. Greene’s review of Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, I feel compelled to write you regarding my own experience with the Pulitzer Prize-winning author. While studying in Argentina...Read More


Happy People Need Love, Too

Generosity: An Enhancement
By Richard Powers

Review By Jan Alexander

Everybody loves Thassadit Amzwar. She is champagne and sunshine, always effervescent, perpetually radiant. Her creative nonfiction classmates at fictitious Mesquakie College in Chicago nickname her Miss Generosity. She gives away happiness, free of charge or obligation, to everyone around her. Still more amazing, her happiness is not a detriment to her artistic inclinations. She wanders through .....Read More


Poets at the Crossroads

The 5th Inning by E. Ethelbert Miller and Something Like Beautiful by asha bandele

Review by Brenda M. Greene

Two poets, E.Ethelbert Miller and asha bandele (spelled with lower case letters) have new memoirs out, both examining the suffering that comes with the need for love. In both cases these are followup....Read More


The Woman who Brought us Fundamentalism

Aimee Semple McPherson and the Resurrection of Christian America
by Matthew Avery Sutton

Review by Jane M. McCabe

In parts the life story depicted in Aimee Semple McPhersom and the Resurrection of Christian America reads like a harlequin romance (not that I read them) replete with a still-famous kidnapping and a trial that provided daily fodder for the news media, particularly in her home town of Los Angeles. But really, McPherson, one of America’s early 20th century charismatic evangelists, left her legacy in more lasting ways. She virtually set the template......Read More


Adultery and Africa

By Geoffrey Fox

It’s cold and damp and any way I turn my shirt tickles, my knees my toes the air everything is cold and damp and it’s not fair because we rent this house in East Hampton mostly for weekends and here it’s June and.....Read More


Barnes & Ignoble

By Peter Aaron

“Peter, I’m Detective Vincelli of the Paramus Police Department,” began the serious man in the tan blazer. He showed me his badge, as if I might not believe him. “This is Detective Milano. We’d like to ask you a few questions....Read More


Smut Lit Comes to Harlem

Herb Boyd

Call it what you will—ghetto lit, chick lit, hood lit, smut, slut lit, Black erotica, underground lit, street lit, urban or hip hop fiction, or even clit lit—African Americans are reading more than ever, and seemingly enjoying every sexy,.....Read More



Identifying with Stardom: Is it Real or Is it Memorex?

By Rona Edwards

It happens all the time. But it never ceases to amaze me. That when a celebrity of stature dies, the whole world falls to its knees. Even though it’s true, they never knew him. And yes, sometimes they made fun of her. But when someone we’ve grown accustomed to seeing, whether on stage, in sports, on the big screen or on television, is cut down way before their time or even when they have lived past their prime, the public adorns them, grieves them and feels such loss, as if their own brother, sister, father, mother or....Read More


Da Brick Wall
Hittin' the Bricks: An Urban Erotic Tale by Noire

Review By Loretta H. Campbell

When a self-hating Black person, or a white person pretending to be black, writes a book, the book is Hittin' the Bricks. Unfortunately, it goes downhill from there. Urban has become the code word for Black neighborhoods and culture. Except for the dialect, there is very little that is uniquely Black about this novel.

As to that which is erotic, are stories about women, whatever their race, being raped, tortured, and shot to death considered sexually arousing? True, publishers have made millions .....Read More