Meet The Reviewers

Herb Boyd
Herb Boyd is an author, activist, journalist and teacher who has written and edited 22 books, including his most recent By Any Means Necessary--Malcolm X: Real, Not Reinvented with his co-editors Dr. Ron Daniels, Dr. Maulana Karenga, and Dr. Haki Madhubuti. His articles are often featured in the Neworld Review.
Loretta H. Campbell
Loretta H. Campbell is a freelance writer and an adjunct professor of English at Touro College, NYC. She is a proud member of the National Writers Union.

Michael Carey
A professional Field Engineer, Michael left his profession to pursue his lifelong passion for writing. He finished his first novel, Dreamphoric Slumber and is currently editing his second novel and writing his first screenplay.

Sally Cobau
Sally Cobau's work has appeared in Room Magazine and The Sun. She has an MFA in poetry from the University of Montana. For several years she worked as an artist-in-residence and traveled throughout Montana, Idaho, and South Dakota. Now she lives and writes in Lincoln, Nebraska with her husband and three children.

Kara Fox
Having recently completed a book of photographs of her 'biting' Doberman, Kara's passion is wrapped up in glamourproject. She and her partner visit shelters for the homeless, facilities for our veterans, families of veterans and children who are abused or neglected. They glamorize their subjects with make-up, furs and jewelry. The participants are given a photo of their day of beauty. This is an opportunity for those who have forgotten...that they are beautiful! (

Janet Garber
Armed with a graduate degree in English, Janet has published business articles in The Wall Street Journal as well as numerous publications, trade journals and newspapers. She had a weekly career column in the New York Post, and a book entitled, I Need a Job, Now What? Her essay on Tantehood appeared in The New York Times, and her poems, as well as movie and book reviews can be found online

Dr. Brenda Greene
Brenda M. Greene is a professor of English and the executive director of the Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York. Greene has been holding the National Black Writers Conferences (NBWCs) at Medgar Evers College since 1986. Since the center's inception in 2003, Greene has directed four NBWC conferences and serves as project director for several literary programs, providing high-school students with access to the black literary arts.
Greene hosts the weekly radio program, Writers on Writing, which features writers from the African diaspora discussing their work and their lives. The show airs on WNYE, 91.5 F.M

Steven Paul Leiva
Steven Paul Leiva is a novelist whose new book, Traveling in Space, is being published in the Fall of 2011 by Blüroof Press. Previously a writer and producer in the motion picture industry, he has also written for the Los Angeles Times, contributing essays to both their print edition and to their award-winning "Hero Complex" blog. Leiva essay Searching for Ray Bradbury, led him to organize RAY BRADBURY WEEK in Los Angeles, a week-long series of events celebrating the author's 90th birthday in 2010. He blogs at

Molly Moynahan
Molly Moynahan writes, blogs and ignores her inner critic in Chicago, Illinois. Her blog is at Her website is She will be a member of a panel on Chicago writers at the 2012 NCTE being held in Chicago.
Madeleine Mysko
Madeleine Mysko is a poet, essayist, and author of the novel, Bringing Vincent Home (Plain View Press, 2007). She teaches creative writing in the Advanced Academic Programs of The Johns Hopkins University. A registered nurse, she serves as coordinator of the "Reflections" column for American Journal of Nursing.

Lindsey Peckham
Lindsey Peckham is a recent graduate of New York University with degrees in both Liberal Arts and Business. She contributes the monthly Art Beat column. Lindsey is fluent in both French and Spanish.

James Petcoff
James is the director of a mental health recovery program on Cape Cod during the day and a blues musician by night. A reviewer of fiction and theatre, he is also a writer of songs, short fiction and three screen-plays.

Emily Rosen
Emily Rosen, MS,. MA, a freelance writer, and instructor of a writing workshop in Boca Raton, Florida, She edited two volumes of anthologized stories from her classes, "Memories, Milestones and Memoirs: Selections from a writing workshop," Volume One (2005) and Two (2010 ). She also edits manuscripts.

Roberta Sandler
Roberta has written more than 1,000 articles for Newspapers and Magazines (Including Newsday, Chicago Tribune, Good Housekeeping, etc.) She is a member of Society of American Travel Writers. She is author of Guide to Florida Historical Walking Tours and A brief Guide to Florida's Monuments & Memorials. She lives in Lake Worth, Florida.

Barbara Snow
Since moving to a pristine setting in mountains above Denver, CO, Barbara Snow has re-engaged her Wild Child and deepened and expanded her writing. Current projects include her book of poetry, The Phoenix Spring, an expanded edition of The Sudden Caregiver: Surrendering to Enlightenment, and her new blog: StoryMaking: The Art of Shift Reality. See www.barbarasno

Jill Noel Shreve
Jill Noel Shreve is currently working on a south Texas memoir about matriarchs, food and faith. She just completed her MFA in Creative Writing at Hunter College and is in the midst of transitioning from NYC back to the southwest where she'll continue teaching and complete her current writing project. For more information about Jill, check out:
Sarah Vogelsong
Sarah Vogelsong is a freelance writer and editor currently based in Richmond, VA. Her editorial work is primarily scholarly and deals with the fields of political science, politics, and education. She also writes for several other publications and websites, including (most recently) the Washington Independent Review of Books, and is developing a blog about voting rights in Washington, DC.